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THL Title Text
Title: Encountering Buddhism : Western psychology and Buddhist teachings
Language of title: English
Editor: Seth Robert Segall

Description: Scholars, research scientists, and therapists look at what it means to encounter, sometimes struggle with, be inspired by, and attempt to integrate Buddhist teachings into their own worldviews and professions. Contributors from several various orientations within psychology such as the psychoanalytic, humanistic, cognitive-behavior, and transpersonal traditions, weigh in and reflect on Buddhist teachings as they are found in Zen, Tibetan Mahāyanā, and Theravāda Buddhism. The encounters of the authors with the Buddhist tradition have affected how they do research, what they have chosen to study, and how they do psychotherapy. Also included are frank questions about what the Buddhist tradition consists of and how it might be fruitfully understood. (Zach Rowinski 2005-01-18)

Contributor: Andrew Olendzki
Jeffrey B. Rubin
Belinda Siew Luan Khong
Seth Robert Segall
Jean L. Kristeller
Kaisa Puhakka
Robert Rosenbaum
Eugene Taylor
Publisher Place: Albany, NY
Publisher: State University of New York Press
Normalized publisher place: Albany, NY
Publisher country: United States
Publisher URL: http://www.sunypress.edu/index.asp?site=True
Published Date: 2003
URL: http://www.sunypress.edu/details.asp?id=60757
Extent: ix, 214 p.
Subject: Nāgārjuna
Humanistic psychology
Cognitive behavior therapy
Psychodynamic theory
Classification: Buddhism and Science -- Buddhism -- Tibetan Buddhism
Buddhism and Science -- International Science -- Psychology
Buddhism and Science -- International Science -- Psychology -- Clinical Psychology
Buddhism and Science -- International Science -- Psychology -- Clinical Psychology -- Psychotherapy
Buddhism and Science -- International Science -- Psychology -- Clinical Psychology -- Psychotherapy -- Psychoanalytic/Psychodynamic Psychotherapy
Buddhism and Science -- International Science -- Psychology -- Clinical Psychology -- Psychotherapy -- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Buddhism and Science -- Buddhism -- Zen/Ch’an Buddhism
Buddhism and Science -- Buddhism -- Theravāda Buddhism
Buddhism and Science -- International Science -- Psychology -- Clinical Psychology -- Psychotherapy -- Humanistic Psychotherapy
Cultural Coverage: Euro-American
Temporal coverage: 21st century CE
Language: English
Series Title: SUNY series in Transpersonal and Humanistic psychology
Series editor: Richard D. (Richard Dewey) Mann, 1933-
Series 2 editor:

Table of Contents: Acknowledgements -- Introduction -- Buddhist psychology / Andrew Olendzki -- Close encounters of a new kind: toward an integration of psychoanalysis and Buddhism / Jeffrey B. Rubin -- The Buddha teaches an attitude, not an affiliation / Belinda Siew Luan Khong -- On being a non-Buddhist Buddhist / Seth Robert Segall -- Finding the Buddha/finding the self: seeing with the third eye / Jean L. Kristeller -- Awakening from the spell of reality: lessons from Nāgārjuna / Kaisa Puhakka -- Reflections on mirroring / Robert Rosenbaum -- Psychotherapy practice as Buddhist practice / Seth Robert Segall -- Buddhism and Western psychology: an intellectual memoir / Eugene Taylor -- Glossary -- Contributors -- Index

ISBN/ISSN: 0791457354 (alk. paper)
Format: Print media (print or manuscript, including PDFs)
Resource Type: Collected Volume (single author)
Release Flag: OK for viewing
Date Of Record Creation: 2005-03-25 14:48:03
Date Last Modified: 2006-05-16 00:06:02
Cumulative Rating: this resource has a 1 star rating
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