Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text
Date Of Record Release: 2009-06-09 15:54:30
Title: Editors’ Introduction [to Tibetan Literature: Studies in Genre]
Language of title: English
Author/Creator: José Ignacio Cabezón, 1956-

Description: Description to be added.

Publisher: Snow Lion
Normalized publisher place: Ithaca, New York
Publisher country: United States
Publisher URL: http://www.snowlionpub.com/
Published Date: 1996
URL: http://www.thlib.org/encyclopedias/literary/genres/genres-book.php#book=/studies-in-genres/a5/
Classification: Tibetan and Himalayan -- Multi-Author Edited Volumes -- Thematic Volumes -- Tibetan Literature: Studies in Genre
Cultural Coverage: Tibet
Language: English
Source URL: http://www.thlib.org/encyclopedias/literary/genres/genres-book.php
Source: Tibetan Literature: Studies in Genre
Source Editor: José Cabezón
Roger R. Jackson
Source Type: Collected Volume (individually authored chapters)
Source Page Numbers: 11-37
ISBN/ISSN: 1559390441 (paper)

Means of availability: Available in a digital version through the Tibetan & Himalayan Library (within the Literary Encyclopedia).

Format: Online resource
Print media (print or manuscript, including PDFs)
Resource Type: Chapter (multi-author book)
Digital Encoding: xml
Release Flag: OK for viewing
Date Of Record Creation: 2006-06-30 14:51:21
Date Record Checked: 2009-06-09
Date Last Modified: 2009-06-09 15:54:52
Cumulative Rating: this resource has a 1 star rating
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