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THL Title Text
Date Of Record Release: 2007-09-28 17:15:05
Title: Kalachakra Tantra: Rite of Initiation
Language of title: English
Author/Creator: H. H. the Dalai Lama, 1935-

Description: Associated with the promotion of world peace, the Kalachakra — or "Wheel of Time" — tantra is one of the most detailed and encompassing systems of theory and practice within Tibetan Buddhism. Kalachakra Tantra contains a complete translation of the Kalachakra initiation ritual as conferred by His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Toronto in April 2004, along with his commentary, and a comprehensive introduction by Professor Jeffrey Hopkins that explores the Kalachakra's rich symbolism, meaning, and history. The book also includes the Six-Session Yoga.

Translator: Jeffrey Hopkins
Publisher Place: Somverville, MA
Publisher: Wisdom Publications
Normalized publisher place: Somerville, MA
Publisher country: United States
Published Date: 1999
Release Flag: OK for viewing
Date Of Record Creation: 2007-09-28 17:16:50
Date Record Checked: 2007-09-28
Date Last Modified: 2007-09-28 17:16:50
Cumulative Rating: this resource has a 1 star rating
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