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THL Title Text
Title: dGe-'dun Chos-' phel: The Two Latest Versions of His Life Story by Kirti Rinpoche and Hor-khang bSod-nams dPel-'bar [review]
Language of title: English
Author/Creator: Heather Karmay

Description: and Horkhang Sönam Pembar (hor khang bsod nams dpal 'bar), "Mkhas mchog dge 'dun chos 'phel gyi rtogs pa brjod pa dag pa'i snang ba zhes bya ba," in Bod ljongs zhib 'jug 2 (1983): 3-31.

Publisher: Library of Tibetan Works and Archives
Normalized publisher place: Dharamsala, HP
Publisher country: India
Publisher URL: http://www.tibet.com/Language/ltwa/index.html
Published Date: 1985
Classification: Tibetan and Himalayan -- Journals -- Journals Focused on Regions -- Tibet -- The Tibet Journal -- (1985) 10.1
Cultural Coverage: Tibet
Language: English
Source: The Tibet Journal
Source Editor: Gyatsho Tshering
Source Type: Journal
Source Volume: 10
Source Number: 1
Source Page Numbers: 44-48
ISBN/ISSN: 09705368
Format: Print media (print or manuscript)
Resource Type: Article
Release Flag: OK for viewing
Date Of Record Creation: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Date Last Modified: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Cumulative Rating: this resource has a 1 star rating
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