Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text
Date Of Record Release: 2008-12-24 03:15:41
THL Resource: No
Title: འཁྲུངས་དཔེ་དྲི་མེད་ཤེལ་གྱི་མེ་ལོང་། ('khrungs dpe dri med shel gyi me long /)
Language of title: Tibetan
Title in other language: Produced like a Flawless Crystal Mirror
Other language: English
Author/Creator: Gawé Dorjé (dga' ba'i rdo rje/)

Description: A big book of Tibetan language info about medicinal substances, with Chinese and Latin indexes, and with 861 good color photos of substances. (Frances Garrett 2003-01)

Publisher Place: Beijing
Publisher: Nationalities Publishing House
Normalized publisher place: Beijing
Publisher country: China
Published Date: 1995
Extent: 430
Classification: Tibetan and Himalayan -- Reference Resources -- Dictionaries -- Tibetan Dictionaries -- Tibetan-Tibetan Dictionaries
Tibetan and Himalayan -- Medicine -- Tibetan Medicine -- Medicinal Substances
Language: Tibetan
ISBN/ISSN: 7-105-02414-3
Format: Print media (print or manuscript)
Resource Type: Book (single author)
Release Flag: OK for viewing
Date Of Record Creation: 2008-12-24 03:15:42
Date Record Checked: 2008-12-24
Date Last Modified: 2008-12-24 03:16:01
Cumulative Rating: this resource has a 1 star rating
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