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THL Title Text
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Title: Vikramśīl Mahāvihārako Aitihāsik Mahatva
Language of title: Nepali
Author/Creator: Rūkmiṇī Vanta Pradhān
One Sentence Summary: The article discusses the historical importance of Vikramsil Mahavihar in the Kathmandu valley.

Description: The article discusses the historical importance of Vikramsil Mahavihar in the Kathmandu valley. The article gives an account of vihar in Kathmandu valley, which can be broadly categorized into two types. They are vahal and vahil. It includes the writing of King Pratap Malla to his wife Lalmati on the importance of Prajnaparamita. Vikramsil Mahavihar is situated in Thamel and the responsibility for the management of the vihar is held by Pradhan of Thamel. The article includes abhilekhs. (Rajeev Ranjan Singh 2007-01-31)

Publisher Place: Kirtipur, Nepal
Publisher: Center for Nepal and Asian Studies
Normalized publisher place: Kathmandu
Publisher country: Nepal
Publisher URL: http://www.cnastu.org.np/
Published Date: 1985-04
URL: http://www.thlib.org/static/reprints/contributions/CNAS_12_02_07.pdf
Classification: Tibetan and Himalayan -- Journals -- Journals Focused on Regions -- Nepal -- Contributions to Nepalese Studies -- (1985) Vol. 12, no. 2
Cultural Coverage: Nepal
Language: Nepali
Source: Contributions to Nepalese Studies
Source Editor: Kamal P. Malla
Source Type: Journal
Source Volume: 12
Source Number: 2
Source Page Numbers: 103-116
ISBN/ISSN: 3767574

Means of availability: Available online as a PDF within the Tibetan & Himalayan Library's bibliographic database.

Format: Online resource
Print media (print or manuscript)
Media type: text
Resource Type: Article
Digital Encoding: pdf
Release Flag: OK for viewing
Date Of Record Creation: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Date Last Modified: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Cumulative Rating: this resource has a 1 star rating
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