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THL Title Text
Title: Tibetan Studies in Honour of Hugh Richardson: Proceedings of the International Seminar on Tibetan Studies, Oxford, 1979
Language of title: English
Editor: Michael Aris
Aung San Suu Kyi

Description: This volume includes the proceedings from the International Seminar on Tibetan Studies, 1979, St. John's College. (Mark Premo-Hopkins 2004-04-12)

Publisher Place: New Delhi
Publisher: Vikas Publishing House PVT LTD
Normalized publisher place: New Delhi
Publisher country: India
Published Date: 1980
Extent: 348 p. : ill., port. ; 25 cm.
Classification: Tibetan and Himalayan -- Multi-Author Edited Volumes -- Conference Proceedings -- Proceedings of the International Association of Tibetan Studies (PIATS)
Tibetan and Himalayan -- Multi-Author Edited Volumes -- Conference Proceedings -- Proceedings of the International Association of Tibetan Studies (PIATS) -- PIATS 2 (1979), In Honour of Hugh Richardson
Cultural Coverage: Nepal
Tibet and Himalayas
Language: English
Series Title: Proceedings of the International Association of Tibetan Studies
Series volume: 2
Frequency of publication: Irregular

Table of Contents: Preface / M.V. Aris -- An appreciation of Hugh Richardson / D.L. Snellgrove -- A complete bibliography / H.E. Richardson -- The Rva-sgreng conspiracy of 1947 / H.E. Richardson -- Tibet and the Thulung Rai : towards a comparative mythology of the Bodic speakers / N.J. Allen -- Notes on the history of the Mon-yul Corridor / M.V. Aris -- The work of Pha-dam-pa Sangs-rgyas as revealed in Ding-ri folklore / B.N. Aziz -- The Tibetan Empire in the West / C.I. -- Mount Targo and Lake Dangra : a contribution to the religious geography of Tibet / P.-A. Bergile -- Analysis of the biographies of Padmasambhava according to Tibetan tradition : classification of sources / A.-M. Bloundeau -- The pha-spun of Ladakh / M. Brauen -- The term dngos-po'i gnas-lugs as used in Padma dKar-po's gZhung-'grel / M. M. Broido -- On the way of playing the drums and cymbals among the Sakyas / R.O. Canzio -- Oḍḍiyāna : a new interpretation / L. Chandra -- Lama and Tamang in Yolmo / G. Clarke -- The symbolism of the house in rGyal-thang / C. Corlin -- Linguistic studies in Ladakh / P. Denwood -- Preliminary remarks on the SEcond A-kya / H. Eimer -- Tibetan medicine - theory and practice / E. Finckh -- The teachings of Thang-stong rGyal-po / J. Gyatso -- The musical notation of the hymn rTsa-brgyud-ma in the dGe-lugs-pa tradition / M. Helffer -- Towards an interpretation of the word chis / Y. Imaeda -- A genealogy of the kinds of Lo (Mustang) / D. Jackson -- The Shangs-pa bKa'-brgyud : an unknown tradition of TIbetan Buddhism / M. Kapstein -- dGe-'dun Chos-'phel, the artist / H. Karmay -- The ordinance of lHa Bla-ma Ya-shes-'od / S. Karmay -- Some notes on the house of lHa rGya-ri / J. Karsten -- Indrabhūti's rDo-rje theg pa'i rtsa ba dang yan lag gi ltung ba'i bshags-pa : a tantric confessional text / N. Katz -- The McMahon Line : the further development of the disputed boundary / J. Kolmaš -- A preliminary study of Ch. VI of the gZer-mig / P. Kvaerne -- Āryadeva on the career on the boddhisattva / K. Lang -- Creative dismemberment among the Tamang and Sherpas of Nepal / A. Macdonald -- Gender markers in Tibetan morphology / N.D. Narkyid -- Change and differentiation in Tibetan sex roles : the new adult generation in India / M. Nowak -- Preliminary remarks on teh Uddā̄nas in teh Vinaya of the Mūlasarvāstivādin / J.L. Pangling -- The Mongol census in Tibet / L. Petech -- Sources of variation in Tibetan canons of iconometry / K. Peterson -- The construction fo Ladakhi houses in the Indus Valley / F. Pommaret-Imaeda -- Some preliminary considerations arising from a bibliographical study of the early gter-ston / R. Prats -- The development of currency in Tibet / N. Rhodes -- Casting Tibetan bells / V. & N.G. Ronge -- On the reception and early history of the dBu ma (Madhyamaka) in Tibet / D. Seyfort Ruegg -- The 5th Karma-pa and some aspects of the relationship between Tibet and the early Ming / E. Sperling -- Glosses on the oevre of bla-ma 'Phags-pa : on the activity of Sa-skya Paṇḍita / J. Szerb -- Notes on the TIbetan kinship term dbon / H. Uebach -- Khrom : administrative units of the Tibetan empire in the 7th-9th centuries / G. Uray -- Preliminary results from a study of two Rasāyana systems in Indo-Tibetan esoterism / M.L. Walter -- Tsong-kha-pa on kun-rdzob bden-pa / P.M. Williams -- Lama tribute in the Ming dynasty / T. Wylie -- Notes on the contributors

LOC: 81111407
Format: Print media (print or manuscript, including PDFs)
Resource Type: Conference Proceedings
Release Flag: OK for viewing
Date Of Record Creation: 2004-04-12 15:41:09
Date Record Checked: 2004-04-07
Date Last Modified: 2006-05-30 00:57:06
Cumulative Rating: this resource has a 1 star rating
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