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THL Title Text
Title: 木里藏族自治县地名录 (Muli Zangzu Zizhixian di ming lu)
Language of title: Chinese
Title in other language: (mu li bod rigs rang skyong rdzong gi sa cha'i ming btus/
Other language: Tibetan
Title in Other Language (2nd): Muli County Place Name Directory
Other language (second): English
Alternate title: 四川省凉山彜族自治州木里藏族自治县地名录 (Sichuan Sheng Liangshan Yizu Zizhizhou Muli Zangzu Zizhixian di ming lu)
Language of Alternate Title: Chinese
Author/Creator: 木里藏族自治县地名领导小组 (Muli Zangzu zizhixian di ming ling dao xiao zu)
One Sentence Summary: A place name directory for Muli (Tib. mu li) county, in Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan province, China.

Description: A place name directory for Muli (Tib. mu li) county, in Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan province, China. The book begins with a "Brief Account of Muli County," a narrative summary of the County's historical development, natural conditions, economic overview, culture/education/health, and scenic spots and historical sites. The summary is in both Chinese and Tibetan. There is a section on "Administrative Divisions and Natural Villages." This section goes through each district (with a narrative summary) and then each district's townships (with a narrative summary) one by one. After each township summary there is a list of names (in Chinese, and often Tibetan also) for the township, its villages, and its natural villages. Finally, there are several sections of narrative summary and listings of features, such as natural geography (mountains, rivers, etc.), scenic and historic sites, and so forth. At the back is an index of place names. (Michael Ryan 2006-04-03, revised by Ben Deitle 2009-07-16)

Publisher: 木里藏族自治县地名领导小组 (Muli Zangzu zizhixian di ming ling dao xiao zu)
Normalized publisher place: Muli Zangzu Zizhixian, Yunnan
Publisher country: China
Published Date: 1986
Extent: 26 cm.
Classification: Tibetan and Himalayan -- Places-Geography -- Places -- Tibet -- Kham (khams)
Tibetan and Himalayan -- Places-Geography -- Places -- China -- Sichuan Province -- Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture
Language: Chinese
Series Title: Sichuan Sheng di ming lu cong shu
Series volume: 159

Table of Contents: [Translated from Chinese] One: Introduction -- Two: Muli County Map -- Three: Brief Account of Muli County ; (1) Historical Development ; (2) Natural Conditions ; (3) Economic Condition ; (4) Culture, Education and Health ; (5) Scenic Spots and Historical Sites -- Four: Administrative Divisions and Natural Villages [with brief accounts of each township/commune and a listing of the places within each] -- Five: Natural Geographic Entities -- Six: Enterprise Units -- Seven: Man-made Structures -- Eight: Senic and Historial Sites -- Nine: Appendix -- Ten: Explaination -- Eleven: Conclusion.

Means of availability: THL holds a xerox copy this book.

Project: Place Dictionary
Resource Type: Book
Release Flag: OK for viewing
Date Of Record Creation: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Date Last Modified: 0000-00-00 00:00:00

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