Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text
Date Of Record Release: 2006-12-20 16:13:15
Title: The Monastery of Gsang-phu ne'u-thog and Its Abbatial Succession from ca. 1073 to 1250
Language of title: English
Author/Creator: Leonard W. J. van der Kuijp
One Sentence Summary: A survey of the history of Sangpu Neutok (gsang phu ne'u thog) Monastery

Description: This article surveys the history of Sangpu Neutok (gsang phu ne'u thog), drawing on a number of Tibetan sources and focusing on the monastery's first two hundred years.
(Kevin Vose 2004-04-06)

Publisher Place: Reinbek
Publisher: Verlag für Orientalistische Fachpublikationen
Normalized publisher place: Reinbek
Publisher country: Germany
Published Date: 1987
Subject: Sangpu (gsang phu)
Classification: South Asian Studies -- Journals -- Berliner indologische Studien -- vol. 3
Tibetan and Himalayan -- Religion -- Monasteries -- Sects -- Kadampa (bka' gdams pa)
Tibetan and Himalayan -- Religion -- Monasteries -- Region -- Tibet -- Central Tibet (dbus gtsang)
Cultural Coverage: Tibet
Temporal coverage: 11th century CE
12th century CE
13th century CE
14th century CE
15th century CE
16th century CE
17th century CE
18th century CE
19th century CE
Language: English
Source: Berliner indologische Studien
Source Type: Journal
Source Volume: 3
Source Page Numbers: 103-127
Start Date: 1985
Frequency of publication: Annually
Format: Print media (print or manuscript, including PDFs)
Resource Type: Journal (academic)
Release Flag: OK for viewing
Date Of Record Creation: 2004-04-16 15:11:59
Date Record Checked: 2004-04-16
Date Last Modified: 2006-12-20 16:14:36
Cumulative Rating: this resource has a 1 star rating
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