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THL Title Text
Title: The headless way
Language of title: English

Description: "The headless way" arose from the English philosopher Douglas E. Harding's investigation into the question "Who am I?" He began to look at himself from a variety of perspectives, from up close and far away. In advancing his investigations further he came up with a discovery about himself which he has called the "headless way." This website introduces the visitors to the headless way and offers a series of very simple experiments, both in print and as online movies, to investigate "Who am I?" (Zach Rowinski 2004-08-01)

Contributor: Douglas E. Harding
Richard Lang
Publisher Place: London
Publisher: Shollond Trust
Normalized publisher place: London
Publisher country: United Kingdom
URL: http://www.headless.org
Subject: Philosophy
Douglas E. Harding
First-person inquiry
Classification: Buddhism and Science -- Related Humanities -- Philosophy
Cultural Coverage: Euro-American
Temporal coverage: 20th century CE
21st century CE
Language: English
Interface Language: English

Means of availability: Online movies can be viewed using Windows Media Player.

Format: Online resource
Media type: Audio
Immersive visual object
Resource Type: Service
Digital Encoding: html
Reader Rating: very useful
Release Flag: OK for viewing
Date Of Record Creation: 2004-08-01 14:06:06
Date Record Checked: 2004-08-01
Date Last Modified: 2005-03-24 08:37:33
Cumulative Rating: this resource has a 1 star rating
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