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Vikramśīl Mahāvihārako Aitihāsik Mahatva
The article discusses the historical importance of Vikramsil Mahavihar in the Kathmandu valley. The article gives an account of vihar in Kathmandu valley, which can be broadly categorized into two typ...
Review of Prem R. Uprety, Nepal: A Small Nation in the Vortex of International Conflicts
This is a review by Shyam K. Bhurtel of Prem R. Uprety, Nepal: A Small Nation in the Vortex of International Conflicts.
Review of Luciano Petech, Mediaeval History of Nepal
This is a review by Kamal P. Malla of Luciano Petech, Mediaeval History of Nepal.
Nepālavaṃśāvalī: A Complete Version of the Kaisher Vaṃśāvalī
The article discusses a vamsavali found in the National Archives of Nepal. The manuscript is a complete version of the fragment of a vamsavali - popularly known among scholars as the Kaisher Vamsavali...
Research Note: Contribution to the Ethnobotany of the Palpa Area
The article attempts to compile ethnobotanical information on the vegetation of the Palpa area in Nepal. It is based in the field study carried out between January and July, 1984. The article briefly ...
Household Organization among Newar Traders
The article discusses household organization among Newar traders in Nepal. The smallest social unit in Newar society is the household, often a joint household, defined in terms of those who share a co...
The Concepts of Aṣṭa Mangala (bkra-sis-rtangs-brgyad) in the Tibetan Culture According to their Religious Text
The article researches how Tibetan religion has provided a special place for Asta Mangala, i.e., the eight auspicious emblems. The article studies the concept of Asta Mangala (Tib. bkra shis rtags brg...
Factors Affecting the Age at Marriage in Nepal
The article discusses factors affecting the age at marriage in Nepal. The article basically aims to identify the sub-groups which practice early marriage and the sub-groups which practice late marriag...
Acoustic Analysis of the Maithili Diphthongs
This article is an acoustic analysis of the Maithili diphthongs. The article attempts to analyze topics such as the possible difference of the perceived diphthong from the perception of a pair of vowe...
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