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Ethnobotanical Studies in Central Nepal: The Preservation of Plant-foods
The article is an attempt to document the various plant-food preservation techniques currently practiced in central Nepal. It is an ethnobotanical study of central Nepal. It includes 1 map of Nepal. T...
Review of David N. Gellner, Monk, Householder, and Tantric Priest: Newar Buddhism and its Rituals
This is a review by Prayag Raj Sharma of David N. Gellner, Monk, Householder, and Tantric Priest: Newar Buddhism and its Rituals.
Review of Jayaraj Acharya, A Descriptive Grammer of Nepali and an Analyzed Corpus
This is a review by Madhav P. Pokharel of Jayaraj Acharya, A Descriptive Grammar of Nepali and an Analyzed Corpus.
Policies on Foreign Exchange and Balance of Payments: An Assessment of the Background for their Effective Uses in the Nepalese Context
The article discusses policies on foreign exchange and balance of payments and assesses their effective uses in the Nepalese context. The article raises the question of international monetary reform d...
Some Sociocultural Aspects of Private Industrial Capital in Nepal
The article aims to provide a kind of socio-cultural mapping of the Nepalese industrial class. It is based on a study of the owners of Nepal's top 140 'medium' and 'large' mechanized manufacturing ent...
Clitic Versus Affix: Maithili E and O
The article investigates the process of cliticization in Maithili, specifically the question of clitic versus affix. This article, taking a cue from Zwicky and Pullum (1983), demonstrates that 'e' and...
Graphic and Classifier Verb Bases in the Newar Language
The article discusses graphic and classifier verb bases in the Newar language. The classifier and graphic morphemes in Newar are found in various syntactic situations throughout the language. The role...
Compound Verbs in Nepali
The article describes compound verbs (CV) in Nepali. The author argues that an early trace of compound verbs is attested in Nepali in 14th century inscriptions. The article discusses the characteristi...
The Maithili Vowels
The article presents a description, classification, and phonemic analysis of the vowels and diphthongs of a dialect of Maithili. It also includes brief discussions on the vowel clusters in Maithili. (...
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