Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

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Jupiter and the Awakened Pig
The article looks at Nepalese perceptions of astronomical and geological phenomenon. The article discusses the incident of the collision of comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 with Jupiter on July 16, 1994, which ...
Is the Name the Game Fame, Shame or Blame?
This is a review by J. P. Cross of Professor Lionel Caplan, Warrior Gentlemen: Gurkhas.
Whither Scholarship on Nepal in the Nineties?
This is a review by Pratyoush Onta and Mary Des Chene of Michael Hutt, Nepal in the Nineties: Versions of the Past, Visions of the Future.
Review of Promode Shamshere Rana, Rana Intrigues
This is a review by Ananda P. Shrestha of Promode Shamshere Rana, Rana Intrigues.
Human Development and the Ethnic Population Sub-groups in the 75 Districts in Nepal
The article examines how the various population sub-groups in Nepal, differentiated by ethnic group identification, are associated with district-level human development. It specifically examines the w...
Management of National Heritage Areas
The article focuses on management of national heritage areas in Nepal. The article introduces the concept of heritage as both a tool and a process to effectively manage Nepal's natural and cultural he...
Social Factors Affecting Patient Utilization of High-technology Medicine in Nepal
The article reports on the introduction of a state-of-the-art mammography machines into the developing country of Nepal. The objective of this case study is to evaluate the use of this machine in the ...
The Development of Vihara Culture in Nepal
The article describes the development of vihara culture, an aspect of Buddhist culture, in Nepal. The study of vihara culture necessitates an understanding of the features, significance, and developme...
Development Co-operation in South Asia: A Nepalese Perspective
The article studies the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC), which is a regional organization, from a Nepalese perspective. The charter of the organization sets the objectives of ...
Nepali Art: Nepali Utopia
The article discusses Nepali art. Nepali art generally reflects the history and the socio-political structure of Nepal. It reflects the Nepali way of looking at the world, at human life, beauty, and h...
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