Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

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The Status, Powers and Functions of Rajas and Rajautas during the Nineteenth Century Nepal in the Light of Contemporary Documents
The article discusses the status, powers, and functions of Rajas and Rajautas in nineteenth-century Nepal in the light of contemporary documents. The author writes that the actual number of the Rajas ...
A Brief Survey of the Organization and Structure of Nepali Law Courts during the Third Quarter of the Nineteenth Century
This article analyzes the organization and structure of Nepali law courts during the third quarter of the nineteenth century. The article discusses the work of Shri Satis Kumar who wrote Rana Polit...
Criminal Cases and Their Punishments Before and During the Period of Jang Bahadur
The article discusses the Nepalese legal system of the past, mainly focusing on criminal cases and punishments before and during the period of Jung Bahadur Rana. Ancient Nepal did not have strong judi...
A Brief Survey of Nepal's Trade with British India During the Latter Half of the Nineteenth Century
The article briefly surveys Nepal's trade with the British India during the later half of the nineteenth century. The article reveals that there existed no registered trade between the two countries o...
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