This article analyzes the organization and structure of Nepali law courts during the third quarter of the nineteenth century. The article discusses the work of Shri Satis Kumar who wrote Rana Polity in Nepal (1967) and the work of Shri M. S. Jain, The Emergence of a New Aristocracy in Nepal (1972). Both state that Jung Bahadur did little to organize the judicial structure of the country. But the article claims it was Jung Bahadur who created more judicial courts, both in hills and in the Terai districts. The judicial administration of Nepal during that period can be studied under two main headings, namely centre and districts. The Kausal, or state council, with the prime minister as its head was the top of the judicial structure at the centre. It discusses the other centre court, the Sardar court, and district courts like adda adalat etc. (Rajeev Ranjan Singh 2007-01-17)