Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

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Language and Study Abroad Programs
This site, part of the Tibetan & Himalayan Library, provides information on and links to Nepali and Tibetan language and cultural study programs in the US and Tibet, as well as a study program at Tibe...
This resource has a 5 star rating
The Shedra Studies Program of the Rangjung Yeshe Institute
Arguably the largest and best organized program in Asia for training non-Tibetans in Tibetan Buddhism and language. The Shedra is a multi-year residential program at the Ka-Nying She-drup Ling Monaste...
Cornell's Nepal Study Program
The Cornell-Nepal Study Program is a pioneering joint venture between Cornell University and Tribhuvan National University of Nepal initiated in 1993. Courses are taught in English at the program faci...
U-W College Year in Nepal
The premiere undergraduate study abroad program for the Tibetan and Nepali languages. The one calendar year-long program begins in Madison with a 10-week summer language intensive in either Tibetan or...
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