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The Monastery Arts and Crafts of Sikkim
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Kangchendzönga: Secular and Buddhist perceptions of the mountain deity of Sikkim among the Lhopos
This article is a study of the mountain deity of Kangchendzönga (gangs chen mdzod lnga) as an object of Buddhist veneration and also as a cult of a local mountain god. The study mainly focuses...
Brag dkar bkra shis sdings kyi sku 'bum: the Text, the Author, the Stupa and Its Importance in the Formation of Religious Politics in Sikkim
This is a summary, with select passages translated, of the text Brag dkar bkra shis sdings kyi sku ’bum mthong ba rang grol gyi dkar chag mdor bsdus don gsal me long. The text is a register o...
Praise to the Lineage of H.E. Yangthang Rinpoche: mDo mang gter ston of Kham
This piece, in Tibetan, is a praise in verse to the lineage teachers of the author, Gos Pema Gyaltsen ('gos padma rgyal mtshan), written in 1991. Gos Pema Gyaltsen's teacher, Yangthang Rinpoch...
Pilgrimage and Incest: The Case of Chorten Nyima (mchod rten nyi ma) on the Tibeto-Sikkimese Border
This article deals with a famous pilgrimage site, Chöten nyima (mchod rten nyi ma), near the border of Tibet and Sikkim known to purify misdeeds, especially those of incest and parricide. The author ...
The Dzumsa of Lachen: An Example of a Sikkimese Political Institution
The village of Lachen, about 50 kilometers from the Chinese border in Sikkim's North District, still maintains a traditional political system known as Dzumsa ('dzoms sa). The article surveys the organ...
Sikkimakā Kājī Yuklā Thupako Nepālamā Śaraṇ
The article discusses the asylum taken by Sikkim's Kaji Yukla Thup in Nepal. The article discusses an old socio-cultural relationship between Nepal and Sikkim. The asylum of the Kaji Yukla Thup was gi...
Journal of the International Association of Tibetan Studies, Issue 3
This is the third issue of the Journal of the International Association of Tibetan Studies, edited by José Ignacio Cabezón and released in December, 2007. (Steven Weinberger 2007-10-31) ...
Tibetan Borderlands. PIATS 2003: Proceedings of the Tenth Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Oxford 2003. Volume 2.
Publisher’s Description: Since the occupation of Tibet by the Peoples Republic of China in 1959, former border principalities and feudatories of the former realm of the Dalai Lama have broken...
Ritual in Sikkim: Expressions of Cultural Identity and Change among the Lhopos
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