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Tibetan and Himalayan > History

(8 classifications) (10 resources)

Bhutan (3)
Nepal (2)
Regional Histories (2)
Religious History (36)
Sikkim (2)
Tibet (19)
Tibetan Diaspora (1)
Timelines (3)

This resource has a 3 star rating
An 8th Century List of Thousand-districts in Ne'u Pandita's History
The article investigates the social geography and military organization of 8th century Tibet by looking at Ne'u Pandita's History. (Mark Premo-Hopkins 2004-03-04)
Biographical Notes on Phyag-na rdo-rje (1239-1267) (abstract)
An abstract for a larger article, this source discusses the lack of biographical information available for Tibetan lay people. This lack results from the fact that Tibetan historiography deals primar...
Center for research on Tibet
The Center for Research on Tibet at Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) was founded in 1987. Its stated goal is to conceptualize and conduct research on Tibetan history, society, language, ecology/...
Chinese Embassy in the U.S.A., Tibet page
The stance of the People's Republic of China on the political status and development of Tibetan areas within China's borders.
Conservancy for Tibetan Art & Culture
The Conservancy for Tibetan Art and Culture supports activities dedicated to the preservation and promotion of Tibetan culture through teachings, exhibitions, symposia, and cultural research....
Map of monasteries in Kham, Eastern Tibet
Road map of the Ganzi and Dege (sde dge) regions of Kham (khams). It is centered around Kalsang Monastery in Nyarong. (Jann Ronis 2003-10-06)
The Spiritual Lineage of the Dzogchen Tradition
The text looks at the origin and function of Dzokchen (rdzogs chen) in Tibetan Buddhist tradtions. (Mark Premo-Hopkins 2004-02-12)
The Three Provinces of Mṅa'-ris: Traditional Accounts of Ancient Western Tibet
The article looks at the complicated geographic history of Tibet, focusing on Ngari, or ancient western Tibet. Tracing this history, the article shows how a three-province theory developed to describ...
Tibet information network
Tibet Information Network (TIN) is the only independent, comprehensive news and research service in the world specialising in Tibet. TIN monitors and reports on the political, social, economic, enviro...
Tibetan and Himalayan Library
The Tibetan and Himalayan Library is a large-scale international collaboration between various universities and other organizations around the world devoted to Tibetan and Himalayan Studies. It archiv...

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