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Tibetan and Himalayan > Language and Linguistics > Linguistics

(8 resources)

A Problem of 'Synonyms' in the Tibetan Language: Bsgom Pa and Goms Pa
In this article, Wayman compares two Tibetan words, bsgom pa and goms pa. While the two terms have similar meanings in some contexts, they are not always interchangeable. Wayman looks at...
A Survey of the Development of Western and Southwestern Tibetan Dialects
The text presents an approach to reconstructing Tibetan language based on moden dialect data. (Mark Premo-Hopkins, 2004-02-12)
On the Function and Origin of the Particle dag
The article looks at the etymology and historical function of the plural and numeral particle dag. (Mark Premo-Hopkins, 2004-03-18)
Some Notes on Interrelationship in Tibetan Etymology
This text gives a summary of how Tibetan words are constructed in general, and then analyzes the relationship between the construction of Tibetan verbs and nouns. (Mark Premo-Hopkins, 2004-02-03)
The Phonetic Structure of ABCB Type Words in Modern Lhasa Tibetan
The text is an attempt to categorize the quadrisyllabic words in Tibetan (Lhasa dialect). (Mark Premo-Hopkins 2004-02-19)
The Tibetan dialects project
A group from the Institute of Linguistics at the University of Berne studying Tibetan dialects. Their research includes descriptions, classifications, and comparisons of Tibetan dialects. (Steven Wein...
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Themes in Himalayan languages and lingusitics
24 articles by scholars from nine different countries on languages spoken in the Himalayan regions of Nepal, India, Tibet and China. (Mark Turin 2004-03-23)
Tibetan and Himalayan Library
The Tibetan and Himalayan Library is a large-scale international collaboration between various universities and other organizations around the world devoted to Tibetan and Himalayan Studies. It archiv...

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