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Growing Old in Helambu: Aging, Migration and Family Structure among Sherpas
The article discusses elderly people in Sherpa society. It describes aging, migration, and family structure among Sherpas in the Helambu region. It takes a reference of the studies of Prof. Haimendorf...
The High Altitude Ethnobotany of the Rolwaling Sherpas
The article is based on the botanical collection, particularly medicinal plants and poisons, made by the author in Rolwaling and covers the high altitude ethno-botany of the Rolwaling Sherpas. Around ...
The Iconography of Chiwong Gomba
The article describes the old but still very active monastery Chiwong Gomba in the southern Solu region. It discusses the features of the monastery with its physical setting as well as the art work an...
Of People and Naks: The Management and Meaning of High Altitude Herding among Contemporary Solu Sherpas
The article studies economic and management aspects of high altitude herding in Solu in northern Nepal. High altitude herding remains an integral part of contemporary Solu Sherpa life. Solu Sherpas re...
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