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Ḍoṭī Jillākā Pā̃c Tāmrapatra
The article discusses five copper inscription of Doti. Doti was a sovereign and independent state for a 700 years. Before that it was ruled by the Malla rulers of Sinja-Jumla. Later it was unified to ...
Solid Waste Pollution Versus Sustainable Development in High Mountain Environment: A Case Study of Sagarmatha National Park of Khumbu Region, Nepal
The article discusses solid waste pollution versus sustainable development in high mountain environments. The article is based on the study of Sagarmatha (Mt. Everest) National Park in Khumbu, Nepal. ...
Review of Bernard Pignède, The Gurungs: A Himalayan Population of Nepal
This is a review by Prayag Raj Sharma of Bernard Pignède, The Gurungs: A Himalayan Population of Nepal.
Review of Adrian Server, Nepal Under the Ranas
This is a review by Ananda P. Shrestha of Adrian Server, Nepal Under the Ranas.
Nepalese Indigenous Labour Relations
and baure, or "group labor". (Rajeev Ranjan Singh 2007-02-21)
The Maithili Consonants
The article discusses Maithili consonants. Consonants can be defined in terms of both phonetics and phonology. This article looks into all types of phonologically distinctive consonant sounds in a var...
The Nepalese State and Gorakhnathi Yogis: The Case of the Former Kingdoms of Dang Valley: 18-19th Centuries
The article aims, through documents of the previous century, to get a glimpse of the sometimes conflicting relationships between royal powers and monasteries and to show the permanency of this mode of...
Two Notes on Malla Currencies
Two notes on Malla currencies.
Children and Mothers at Risk for Diarrheal Disease in Nepal
The article examines the role of hygiene and food related behaviors, nutritional status, and age as risk factors for diarrheal disease in preschool children and their mothers in Nepal. The objectives ...
The Relative Effectiveness of Formal and Informal Exposure in ESL (English as a Second Language) Development
The article investigates how formal classroom instruction and informal natural exposure operate in the context of second language development, especially with reference to the development of oral prof...
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