Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

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Help for Forums:
What is a forum?

Forums are electronic bulletin boards, where you can post questions (or answers) and discuss various topics with other portal users. Clicking the Forums option on the navigation bar will lead you to all currently actively discussions, along with the date of the last posting, the number of topics being discussed within each forum, and the total number of messages posted to the entire forum.

Participation is open to anyone registered as a user with the portal. To participate in a forum, you must first provide a username and password in the login boxes on the homepage.

How do I join a forum?

To participate in one (or more) of these discussions, log in and click on the forum title. You will then be presented with all active discussions. Select one by clicking on the title, and the most recent messages will appear. To post simply click on the Post Message button, complete the message form, and click on the Post New Message button.

Only certain users designated by the Portal Administrator have the rights to edit forums, forum topics, and forum messages.

Can I edit a forum topic or message?

Maybe. Only certain users designated by the Portal Administrator have the rights to edit forums, forum topics, and forum messages. Before editing forum messages, users that can edit must provide their username and password.

How can I delete a Forum topic?

To delete a Forum topic, click on the Delete Topic of the appropriate topic. Only users designated by the Portal Administrator can delete forum topics. To delete a Forum topic, you must first provide a username and password in the login boxes on the homepage.

How can I delete a Forum message?

To delete a Forum message, click on the Delete Message button above the appropriate message. Only users designated by the Portal Administrator can delete forum messages. To delete a Forum message, you must first provide a username and password in the login boxes on the homepage.

Can I add a forum?

Maybe. Only users designated by the Portal Administrator can add forums. Once a forum is added, the Portal Administrator can change or assign a user to be forum moderator.

Can I add a forum topic or a forum message?

Yes. All users can add forum topics and messages. To add a Forum topic or message, you must first provide a username and password in the login boxes on the homepage.

Can I be a forum moderator?

Maybe. The Portal Administrator assigns forum moderators. Once a forum is added, the Portal Administrator can change or assign a user to be forum moderator. Contact your Portal Administrator for more information.

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SQL Statement: DELETE FROM APSessionData WHERE SessionId = '901999148'
SQL Error: Table './thl_scoutportal2/APSessionData' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed