Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text
Help for Recommendations:

What is a recommendation?

The recommendation option tries to provide meaningful suggestions for resources that you may find interesting and useful. These suggestions are based on the ratings a user gives to resources, via the Rate this Resource section at the bottom of the Full Record screen. If a user has not rated any resources, the system will not be able to provide any recommendations.

In order to receive recommendations, you must first provide a username and password in the login boxes on the homepage.

Why don't I get any recommendations?

In order for the portal to provide you with recommendations, you need to rate some resources first (roughly three to five, depending on the amount of ratings that the resource record has from other users). Once you rate other resources, the portal will provide you with recommendations.

How can I make the recommendations feature work better for me?

To maximize the usefulness of these recommendations, users should rate resources in a thoughtful manner. Random ratings will skew recommendations and diminish usefulness. The more resources that are rated meaningfully by the user, the more precise the recommendations will become.

Why can't I see my preferences or my recommendations?

In order to see your preferences and recommendations, you need to log into the portal using your username and password.

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